For the third consecutive month, the Mexican Foundation for Palliative Medicine, a non-profit, thanks to the help of Cereales Michel. We bring cereal to the most vulnerable communities. Supporting various institutions that carry food in this time of pandemic.
This time we supported the following institutions:
-New Fields and Horizons Mexico NPO
-Illuminating with Love Foundation NPO -FM4 Free passage
-Together against Pain NPO
-Aid Board of HGO NPO
-Juanacatlán Food Bank NPO
-Galilea 2000 NPO
-Carpe Diem Interfaith NPO
We also supported people living on the street, as well as those with informal jobs and difficult economic situations.
Despite adversity, we continue to weave networks of solidarity, strength and love in our society.
Thanks to you!
Together Against Pain Aid Board Together Against Pain Aid Board of the General Hospital of the West (Hospital General de Occidente)
Carpe Diem A.C. FM4 J. Food Bank Juanacatlán Food Bank Juanacatlán Food Bank